Cannon County Information:

Emergency Coordinator: 

M. J. Lee. K6KA
102 Rushcreek Court
Woodbury, TN 37190
PH # 615-516-3503
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


County Organization Name:

DCCARC ( DeKalb / Cannon County Amateur Radio Club )

Meeting Night and Time:

ARES info discussed last Thursday of even months DCCARC meeting ( odd months meet in Smithville )

Meeting Address:

301 W Main Suite 200, Woodbury, TN  37190

Website Address:

Contact (If different from above):

Primary VHF Frequency:

Short Mtn 149.490 (100.0) Backup UHF Pleasant Ridge 441.8625 (107.2)

Primary UHF Frequency:

Simplex Frequency:

County Net Information:

Every Tuesday at 7PM
Frequencies: 145.490 (100.0) Note: This net is combined with DeKalb County Net

County Net Coordinator: