Williamson County Information: 

Emergency Coordinator:

James Hooper - K9QJS
262 Wisteria Dr.  
Franklin, TN 37064
Ph# (360) 317-5286
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Emergency Coordinator:

County Organization Name:

WCARES (Williamson County ARES)

Meeting Night and Time:

Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of each month at 0800 - 1030

Meeting Address:

304 Beasley Dr. at the new Williamson County Public Safety Building

Website Address:


Contact (If different from above):

Primary VHF Frequency:

145.210 PL 173.8

Primary UHF Frequency:

444.025 PL 110.9

Simplex Frequency:


County Net Information:

WCARES - Monday at 7PM

County Net Coordinator:

Laura Marler N4CLO