Anderson County Information:

Emergency Coordinator:

Darrell Cook, WA4LNX: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Ph# 865-207-4827

Assistant Emergency Coordinator:

County Organization Name: Anderson County ARES

Meeting Night and Time: Second Monday of the month at 19:00 local time

Meeting Address: First United Methodist Church, 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Website Address:

Contact (If different from above):

Primary VHF Frequency: 147.15 MHz repeater (+600 kc input offset, 118.8 Hz tone)

Primary UHF Frequency:

Simplex Frequency:

County Net Information: Anderson County ARES has a weekly check-in net at 19:00 hours eastern time on Thursday nights. Frequency is 147.15 (tone 118.8). Visitors are welcome to check-in after roll-call for AC ARES members. 

County Net Coordinator: