Fentress County Information:
Emergency Coordinator:
Austin S. Cates, K5QF; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Phone 931-488-8324
Assistant Emergency Coordinator:
County Organization Name: Fentress County Amateur Radio Response
Meeting Night and Time: 4th Monday of each month
Meeting Address: Fentress County E-911 Center, 116 Justice Center Dr, Jamestown, TN 38556
Website Address: https://bsfarc.com/index.php/ares-fentress/
Contact (If different from above):
Primary VHF Frequency: 147.090 (+ offset), 100 Hz tone
Primary UHF Frequency: 443.625 (+ offset), 100 Hz tone
Simplex Frequency: 146.550
County Net Information: Tuesday evenings 20:00 Central Time on the VHF frequency
County NetCoordinator: