Hamilton County Information:

Emergency Coordinator:

Dewayne Siddon, KE4IDH e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Emergency Coordinator:

County Organization Name: Hamilton County ARES

Meeting Night and Time: 4th Thursday Jan-Oct 6:00 PM EDT

Meeting Address: Red Bank Fire Hall #2 on Dayton Blvd. in Red Bank (Training Room).  


Primary VHF Frequency: 146.790 (-) nt

Primary UHF Frequency: 442.150 (+) nt

Simplex Frequency: 147.420

County Net Information: ARES Net weekly on Thursday 8:00 PM EDT 146.790 (-) nt

County Net Coordinator:

For the most up-to-date information about Hamilton County ARES, please contact the EC directly or visit www.ka4ema.net