Monroe County Information:

Emergency Coordinator: Mike Wagner - KK6OKU - email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - PH# (865) 742-9200

Assistant Emergency Coordinators: Jeff Buffington N4POD

                                                       Caleb Lynn KQ4QCJ

                                                              Michael Neyenhous KQ4HOM

County Organization Name: Monroe County ARES

Meeting Night and Time: Varies - please visit for details

Meeting Address: Varies - please visit for details

Website Address: or join the MCARES group on

Contact (If different from above): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Primary VHF Frequency: 147.315 (+) PL Tone is 141.3

Backup Repeater is the ARES District 8 Repeater: 147.000 (+) PL Tone is 100.0

Primary UHF Frequency: 

Simplex Frequency:

County Net Information: Wednesdays 20:00 local time 145.250 repeater

County Net Coordinator: Jeff Buffington N4POD